Tuesday 11 February 2014

Accessibility to the market place..... a problem to be solved

One of the things I hate the most about going to the market, is the lack of a decent place to park my car.

Not all markets in Lagos are like that but most of them are. I mean, the car park is for customers and traders alike. If the car park is not conducive how can customers get in or get out. 

A lot of money is spent to build and allocate markets and then you destroy it by not planning the car park properly. In know in Lagos, everyone is a trader but come on, if the stores have been exhausted then go to another market to display your wares, do not convert the car park to a market place. 

Car Park Entrance
A Maze..... show me the way out please

Every corner is a stall, everyone is a trader

Just try moving your bus without pleading with these traders, you will never forget the curses LOL

Underneath this truck is a wardrobe.... hehehe, not funny actually
The annoying thing is that when the wares are displayed at car park the customers are bullied about the parking space after paying to park. 

I do not want to sound insensitive because I know that not everyone can afford to pay for a stall but come on we have to find an alternative for this. The car park is definately not that alternative market stall.

Accessibility to the market is important for customers to be able to get in and patronize the traders. This will lead to sales and sales lead to income for the traders. Which I think is the reason all these traders are there.

A well organised car park will also reduce the number of thugs loitering around the market.

The pictures here were taken at Mile 12 market. That is the major market hub of Lagos state. A place where food stuffs are more expensive at the gate than inside the market, all because customers prefer not to go through the hassle of getting in, wearing rain boots and getting all sweaty they rather pay extra for the comfort. 

All these eventually lead to waste for a lot of the traders as they cannot get enough customers to patronize them daily and there is no storage system in place to preserve for a later day.

We need to do something, if we can organise the markets starting from the car park to the stalls, more people can get into the market and the traders can sell more and make more money. We will reduce waste and also generate more income for the state through car park tolls and other taxes.

Think about it…. It is a win-win.

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